Equine Dental Providers of America
Equine Dental Providers of America


2022 Annual Business Meeting Announcement


There has been a proposal to amend the EDPA Bylaws concerning the executive board Limitation of Terms. Proposal was to amend the current Limitation of Terms and replace with a No Limitation of Officer Holder Terms. Vote to be held at our 2022 Annual Business Meeting.


Current Bylaws


6.3.1 Duration of Term

Directors shall be elected to office for a term of two (2) years, or until their successors are elected and qualified to take office immediately after the next Annual Meeting.


6.3.2. Limitation of Terms

No person shall serve more than six (6) consecutive years as a director. Service for any part of a year shall be considered service for that year. No director, currently in office, may be re-elected to the same office more than once. Upon serving two (2) consecutive full or partial terms, or six (6) years whichever is the lesser, a person is ineligible to be a director for three (3) years thereafter. The immediate Past President, if he/she is not otherwise a director, may serve one additional year only.


6.3.3 Exception

If there are insufficient candidates to fill available Board positions from a given region, current directors may run for additional terms by making written request to the EDPA office, postmarked no more than seven (7) business days after the close of nominations, and be included on the ballot for re-election regardeless of the number of terms served.


Proposed Amendment


6.3.2 No limitation of Office HOlder Terms

Officers, Directors, and Board members may serve consecutive terms as elected by the membership.


6.3.3 Complete removal of this subsection of 6.3




3.3.2 Ammendment of Bylaws

The Executive Board has the power to Amend the Bylaws provided:

a) The Bylaws may not be amended more than one time per fiscal year;

b) Proposed changes to the Bylaws shall be set out and along with the complete proposed Bylaws as amended shall be posted to the EDPA website and sent electronically to all voting members. Print copies may be requested by a member for posting by regular mail;

c) Proposed amended Bylaws shall be posted as noted above for review and comment for no less than ninety (90) days before they may be adopted;

d) A petition opposing all or portions of the proposed amendments which is signed or electronically signed by twenty percent (20%) of voting members will cause the Executive Board to call for a Special Meeting of the Members for a membership vote on the proposed amendments to the Bylaws. A conference call method of attending in person, telephonically or other real time electronic connection will be required for the amendments to be approved for adoption. Changes to the proposed amended Bylaws made during the Special Meeting do not need any further posting for comment but may be adopted as passed at the Special Meeting.


updated 7/5/22


"Pre-Competition Oral Findings in Danish Sport Horses and Ponies Competing at High Level"


Mette Uldahl , Louise Bundgaard, Jan Dahl and Hilary M. Clayton. Article published in MDPI.



Pre-Competition Oral Findings in Danish Sport Horses and Ponies Competing at High Level
Authors: Mette Uldahl, Louise Bundgaard, Jan Dahl and Hilary M. Clayton. Article published in MDPI
Adobe Acrobat document [229.8 KB]

Gone but Not Forgotten
In Memory of:
Dr. Richard Miller and 
Steve Rubin


Thank You to All the Youth Participants in our EDPA and State Line Tack Essay Contest.


The contestants had to write an essay describing "Why Dentistry is So Important for your Horse". 


Our Winners are:


08 - 10 yrs - Makenzie Bender, Michigan
11 - 12 yrs - Leila Sudvary, Ohio
13 - 14 yrs - Piper Travis, North Carolina
15 - 16 yrs - Makenna Wieck, Washington
17 - 18 yrs - Kaylee Hill, Virginia
The Winners received a copy of the EDPA's "The Basics of Equine Dentistry" and a $100 Gift Certificate to State Line Tack.

The Miller Educational Scholarship Fund! Apply today for 1 of 8 annual scholarships for EDPA Certification. For more information click here. 

EDPA CE, Certification and Conference Highlights!

It is with deep regrets to tell you all the Dr. Tom Allen has passed away. He was a true pioneer and important part of the Equine Dentistry Industry and legitimacy of the profession. 

God Speed dear friend. 


February 22, 1947- October 23, 2017



Press Release:


The Institute for Justice recommended Carl Mitz, Founder of the EDPA, to the office of US Senator Cornyn as a representative of small business and industries affected by government regulations and licenses. Senator Cornyn of Texas had a Roundtable Press Event on Occupational Licensing Reform yesterday in Austin, Texas. Carl Mitz was one of 3 asked to participate. 

The meeting with US Senator Cornyn went very well. Mr Mitz shared his story about being ceased and going through 5 yrs of litigation before winning the right to practice as an equine dental provider. He was able to explain how the new regulations and law requiring licensing, certification and continuing education of EDPs to legally practice in Texas created a problem. There were not valid means to receive certification or CE according to the new law's requirements, therefore Mr Mitz and 3 colleagues, founded the EDPA.


The Senator and reporters asked several questions regarding the process and problems with the laws and regulations and Mr Mitz was able to share those issues directly to the US Senator, who is seeking to pass the New Hope Act reforming burdensome regulations.

Mr Mitz encouraged and agrees there is a need for the license requirements, but that the law needs to be adhered to once instituted and regulate those who are and are not participating for competitive business and industry growth. Mr Mitz is excited and looking forward to working with the US Senator in the future. 


For more information visit the news coverage of the Event here: 





IGFP 2017 Conference in Germany.


Several EDPA Members attended the IGFP Conference in March. 


Photos courtesy of Rebecca Green and Carl Mitz





Carl Mitz: 

I would like to share my experiences that I had with my European colleagues last month at the IGFP Conference (Internationale Gesellschaft zur Funktionsverbesserung der Pferdezähne). Germany is a very clean and historical place with the German people being very friendly. The IGFP meeting had 350 attend in a very full room of professionals. Tons of good information was shared and the discussions were extremely beneficial to those in attendance. I had several meetings while there with IGFP members and committees and I am very happy to report that the EDPA is well respected in Europe. There was some conversation regarding our newsletter and the possibility of a shared newsletter in the future. If any of you have the opportunity to attend the IGFP Conference, I highly recommend it!

Promax Equine Dental Equipment has benefited from being part of the EDPA vendor area for the last three years. The education that we have received as we sat in on sessions, has provided a deeper understanding of equine dentistry and how to serve our clients in the best way we can by understanding their needs. This knowledge that we have gained has also helped us tremendously in our vendor area at the AAEP Conference as well.


Becca Green has been our dental representative for the last two years at the EDPA and AAEP Conferences. She has exhibited excellent dental knowledge and techniques that she has been able to pass onto our clients and people also just visiting our booth interested in our dental products. Becca has enjoyed testing our various dental products and we have all been able to demonstrate those products at the EDPA and AAEP conferences. We all love working together and have become quite the team, along with having fun doing it !!!


We look forward to our continuing education with the EDPA as a supplier and manufacturer of equine dental equipment. We have also enjoyed the feedback from our clients.


Thank you EDPA, and thank you to all our clients.  Looking forward to a great 2017 !!!


Ken and Linda Franks

Promax Equine Dental Equipment



The EDPA is a TSBVME approved Equine Dental Provider Certifying Entity.


EDPA Pre- Certification Approval Required- Click EDPA Forms for Certification Pre-Approval and Certification Testing Guidelines as well as the Pre Certification Application and Certification Deadlines. All pricing, testing requirements and details are included in these documents. For more information contact

EDPA Certification:

The EDPA Certification is a process to access the skills and judgement of the “Equine Dental Provider” in order to insure competency to identify and address equine dental needs and; To Do No Harm.




***It's Offical***


The Board of Veterinary Medicine of Minnesota has approved the EDPA as a certifying institution for equine tooth floaters in Minnesota.


***Breaking News***

The Oklahoma State Veterinary Medical Board has approved the EDPA as a Certifying Entity for EDP Licensure!

The 2015 EDPA Continuing Education has been approved by the AAVSB- RACE and the  TBVME. The CE, Wet Lab, Certification Testing and Annual Meeting will be November 5-8, 2015 in Katy, Texas. Click here for more information!


Published in the August/Sept 2015 ASPC/AMHR Magazine- The Journal

FACTS- Legislation, Lobbying, Carl Mitz, ......


It is has come to our attention that the IAED is asking for support and donations to lobby on behalf of the IAED and equine dental providers to change legislation. According to a recent post on Facebook by Josh Wallace, President of the IAED, an explanation of the process and past changes made through legislation for equine dental providers was provided.  However, his interpretation of that process and changes are incorrect.


The TBVME and the State of Texas filed a lawsuit against Carl Mitz for practicing veterinary medicine without a license. At that time, he was on the board of the IAED. Carl Mitz was represented by the Institute for Justice in Mitz vs The State of Texas.  The IAED was NOT named in the lawsuit, the Institute for Justice did NOT represent the IAED.


Carl Mitz defended his right to earn a living by getting representation, expert witnesses and organize a tough defense with horse owners, professional trainers, veterinarians, business owners and politicians ( who owned horses that were his clients). It cost thousands of dollars to gather the information and support. Carl Mitz raised on his own over $15,000 to defend the right for an equine dental provider to earn a living and become a recognized "licensed" profession in the State of Texas. Carl Mitz is the one who fought for and accepted the legislation that would determine his professional career all the way to the Supreme Court.


When Carl and the Institute for Justice won his case against the TBVME and the State of Texas, it helped change legislation and added the profession of an equine dental provider to the law books. IAED was the benefactor at that time, as Carl Mitz was able to get the IAED written into the law. Since then, the law has been changed and allows not just the IAED, but any other approved organization by the TBVME as a certifying entity.


When the IAED decided to change certification and their ways of conducting business, Carl Mitz resigned from his position and involvement with the organization in its entirety.


In 2012, Carl Mitz and 3 other certified EDPs and previous IAED members, founded the Equine Dental Providers of America (EDPA) which is a TBVME Certifying Entity. The EDPA also offers Continuing Education programs approved by the TBVME and RACE. The EDPA is a 501 (c) 3 that DOES NOT lobby for or against any legislation. The EDPA is a member run organization to certify and offer CE to the industry, encourage horse owners, providers and veterinarians a common ground and reliable, experienced information about equine dentistry for the betterment of the horse.


The EDPA does apply for State approvals as certifying entity in order to help more equine dental providers become legal to practice and earn a living in their specialty. It is up to the citizens of the States to push for legislation, seek assistance and lobby their politicians to change the laws in their own States. The EDPA will provide facts and information regarding the EDPA, its members and its Certification requirements to help these providers wanting to make changes, but that is it. We do not provide funding or push our membership for donations to fund lobbying. The battle has been won in Texas. The model has been made. The other States have guidelines or an outline to implement that is working and has been fought through the Supreme Court.   


So, if you are in support of the legislation changes that Carl Mitz accomplished and you want to be a part of a legal entity that conducts business in congruence with the laws, we invite you to join the EDPA and put your financial investment in an organization that is committed to the best interest of the horse and horse owner as well as the equine dental profession.  



Carl Mitz, President






At this time it is illegal in every state for a non-vet edp to provide sedation to a client horse. The sedation is between the horse owner and the veterinarian responsible for the health care of that horse.

States Approved Hours
States-Provice List for approved hours.p[...]
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Equine Dental Providers

of America


Thank you to Patricia Dempsey and Beloveds Farm for sponsoring the EDPA and supporting

our mission!

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